@Syst3mErr0r7373 haha
I am the pizza bagel. I wanna be an artist, but I suck at it. There’s nothing special about me but I’m autistic and will probably die alone. Currently trying out guitar, and will probably suck at it too.
somewhere in California
Joined on 4/8/21
@Syst3mErr0r7373 haha
Hey do you like kermit
@Syst3mErr0r7373 of course. how are u going to scar me today?
I dunno. All i got is this https://youtu.be/N1Bf81V9XMY
@Syst3mErr0r7373 haha funni. he cough. that n***a been smokin
@Syst3mErr0r7373 ive been thinkin.. instead of u bein my lil bitch baby pissy wissy dog. how about u be a turtle. just a normal turtle
I was never ur bitch. And yes
i drew somethin for u
cant message again.
what i was trying to say was:
u got robo torso?
how does it look?
It dosent hav nipple thast for sur
u need nipples
Why tf do i need robot nipples
@Syst3mErr0r7373 to look good :)
N o
@Syst3mErr0r7373 ok. nipples are for cool guys anyway
@Syst3mErr0r7373 how tall r u?
I dunno
@Syst3mErr0r7373 i bet im taller than u
@doctoRclump97997 how tall r h
@Syst3mErr0r7373 i dunno how tall h is
No how tall r u
@Syst3mErr0r7373 5'6
Hes 5'7
@Syst3mErr0r7373 if not taller
f u c k
@Syst3mErr0r7373 i mean 8'9
Misclick i meant 9'0
@Syst3mErr0r7373 im still on fire btw
cant message again.
but what i was trying to say was:
im just ruining everything for you left and right, huh?
thats too bad